Watch the video to learn more about the geometric calibration procedure of our UltraCam sensors.
Best-in-class wide-area mapping with the new UltraCam Condor 4.1
We are announcing the release of the Condor 4.1, your ideal solution for wide-area aerial mapping.
Charles K. Toth on ‘crowdsensing’ as an emerging model in mapping
Charles K. Toth wrote a guest commentary about crowdsensing as a new approach to data acquisition.
IGN uses three UCE M3 for regular French state aerial survey production
IGN acquired three UltraCam systems, taking aerial surveying in France to the next level.
Video: How we radiometrically calibrate our UltraCam sensors
Watch the video to get a look inside our calibration lab and learn how radiometric calibration works.
Video: Unique features of the UltraCam Osprey 4.1
Watch the video about the innovative and game-changing features of the UltraCam Osprey 4.1.
Slagboom adds new Osprey 4.1 to UltraCam collection
Long-time UltraCam customer Slagboom & Peeters acquires brand-new Osprey 4.1 camera system.
Webinar Recording: About Vexcel – Our Vision and Mission
Watch this webinar and get insights into the company Vexcel Imaging and its vision and mission.
GeoFly purchases UltraCam Osprey 4.1 camera system
Geofly received their brand-new UCO 4.1 and can now best meet their customers’ requirements.
UltraCam Osprey 4.1 sample data
Check out the new sample data of the UCO 4.1 and gain an impression of the excellent image quality.