Dragon Webinar Recording

Tracking footprints with the UltraCam Eagle Mark 3

Blog , Product Features
24 February 2022
Aerial image of Gleisdorf

Footprints in Gleisdorf, Austria


What do a mole, a dog and a human being have in common?

Whether building molehills, going for a walk, or setting up the satellite dish, we all leave footprints in the snow. And all are clearly visible in imagery generated by the UltraCam Eagle Mark 3.

We talk a lot about the precision and image quality of our cameras—and yet we are always amazed at what they let us discover. Even at a 200% zoom level of 5cm GSD imagery (pictured below), we can accurately see details like a molehill or dog paws. So, because of our excellent image quality, extremely small GSDs are not necessary to achieve a high level of detail.

But see for yourself!

Aerial image of Gleisdorf with detailed view of a roof

Footprints in Gleisdorf, Austria


What do a mole, a dog and a human being have in common?

Whether building molehills, going for a walk, or setting up the satellite dish, we all leave footprints in the snow. And all are clearly visible in imagery generated by the UltraCam Eagle Mark 3.

We talk a lot about the precision and image quality of our cameras—and yet we are always amazed at what they let us discover. Even at a 200% zoom level of 5cm GSD imagery (pictured below), we can accurately see details like a molehill or dog paws. So, because of our excellent image quality, extremely low GSDs are not necessary to achieve a high level of detail.

But see for yourself!


The UltraCam Eagle:
An ultra-efficient, ultra-flexible, ultra-reliant camera for streamlined image acquisition for all your mission needs.


Success can be measured in footprints

The images below were captured with our UltraCam Eagle Mark 3 over the area of Gleisdorf, Austria and brought to light details of impressive clarity and resolution. It's images like these that continue to fuel our passion for aerial photography.

The Eagle Mark 3 is the flagship of the UltraCam aerial camera solutions, combining an ultra-large footprint of 450 Megapixels with unique user-exchangeable lens system for highest flying efficiency and most reliable image quality.

Click on the magnifier in each image to open the detailed view.

Poor TV reception? 
Click on the magnifier to discover the traces of a walk on the roof, possibly to fix problems with TV reception.


Mole in hibernation?
While the farmer has paused his work in the field in winter, the mole has also gone into hibernation and stopped its activities since the snowfall.


Living at the limit.
Taking shortcuts across the train tracks is not what we would recommend!


Species diversity.
Many different animals were cavorting here, including (apparently) dogs that rolled in the snow. But the mole could not be dissuaded from diligently building his molehills.


Success can be measured in footprints

The images below were captured with our UltraCam Eagle Mark 3 over the area of Gleisdorf, Austria and brought to light details of impressive clarity and resolution. It's images like these that continue to fuel our passion for aerial photography.

The Eagle Mark 3 is the flagship of the UltraCam aerial camera solutions, combining an ultra-large footprint of 450 Megapixels with unique user-exchangeable lens system for highest flying efficiency and most reliable image quality.

Poor TV reception? 
Discover the traces of a walk on the roof, possibly to fix problems with TV reception.

Aerial image of the city Gleisdorf with marking of a section
Detailed aerial image with footprints in the snow on a roof

Mole in hibernation?
While the farmer has paused his work in the field in winter, the mole has also gone into hibernation and stopped its activities since the snowfall.

Aerial image of Gleisdorf rural area with marking of a section
Aerial image of a field with molehills below the snow cover

Living at the limit.
Taking shortcuts across the train tracks is not what we would recommend!

Aerial image of the city Gleisdorf with marking of a section
Detailed aerial view with footprints in snow on railroad tracks

Species diversity.
Many different animals were cavorting here, including (apparently) dogs that rolled in the snow. But the mole could not be dissuaded from diligently building his molehills.

Aerial image of Gleisdorf rural area with marking of a section
Aerial image of a field with molehills and footprints in the snow

Want to learn more about the UltraCam Eagle Mark 3, one of the most versatile airborne systems on the market? 

Read more

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