Final Major Release of UltraMap 5.0

21 January 2021

Graz, Austria • January 21, 2021

We are happy to announce the final major release of UltraMap 5.0. Based on feedback to the release candidate versions, we were able to further enhance this latest version of our all-in-one aerial photogrammetry software and improve usability and robustness significantly.

With the introduction of a completely new Digital Terrain Model (DTM) algorithm based on automatic semantic image segmentation and intelligent filtering, UltraMap 5.0 now generates comprehensive DSMs and DTMs for export at unprecedented quality. Additionally, several new features have been implemented to facilitate and speed up the data production process. From simultaneous DSM and DTM editing in one interface and simple re-processing for ortho products, to the full integration of Ortho Production in UltraMap Studio and new quality control tools like visualization of non-ground objects: Customers gain the best possible insight and control over their data throughout the entire value chain to create 3D spatial data products that meet the highest photogrammetric standards.

The major release starts with version 5.0.10 and delivers significant performance improvements for large-area DSM, DTM and Ortho processing, as well as quality improvements for DSM and DTM products. The Ortho Production Stage now also offers features missing in the release candidates, such as the ability to crop images during ortho generation to minimize building lean and the height profile picker feature.

    What's new in the version 5.0.10?

    • Faster throughput for large ortho projects:
    Optimization of CPU and GPU code and additional parallelization and streamlining of tasks provide faster processing times for large DSM, DTM and Ortho projects. The retooled workflow shortens QC and editing loops.
    • Better handling of vector data:

    UltraMap now consistently allows ESRI Shapefile and GeoJSON file formats for import and export of vector data. For export, Keyhole Markup Language is also available. A new generic dialog allows management of vector polygons for several use cases including selection of tiles and definition of areas for DTM import.


    Have a look at all UltraMap 5.0 features on our UltraMap product page. 

    Learn more

    Have a look at all UltraMap 5.0 features on our UltraMap product page. 

    Learn more