Dragon Webinar Recording

Salvador Primo Lara in the spotlight

Blog , Partner Spotlights
14 July 2020
Salvador Primo Lara

“When the wind starts to blow, some people run to hide and others build windmills.”
Chinese Proverb


Company: GTBibérica S.L. (GeoToolBox)

Core business: Presales, sales, support, installation, maintenance and training for photogrammetry hardware and software.

GTBi’s philosophy: “Customer First” GTBi listens closely to customer needs to ensure we understand and can provide the best solution possible.

Territory: Spain, Portugal, Latin America


⚫  GTBi was founded in 2002

⚫  GTBi has been a Vexcel Sales & Support Partner since 2002

⚫  Number of employees: 15 

Salvador Primo Lara
Salvador Primo Lara

“When the wind starts to blow, some people run to hide and others build windmills.”
Chinese Proverb


Company: GTBibérica S.L. (GeoToolBox)

Core business: Presales, sales, support, installation, maintenance and training for photogrammetry hardware and software.

GTBi’s philosophy: “Customer First” GTBi listens closely to customer needs to ensure we understand and can provide the best solution possible.

Territory: Spain, Portugal, Latin America


⚫  GTBi was founded in 2002

⚫  GTBi has been a Vexcel Sales & Support Partner since 2002

⚫  Number of employees: 15 

Who is Salvador Primo Lara?

I was involved in the formation of GTBi in 2002 and have been working there in an official capacity since 2015. My main responsibilities are business development and overseeing the Finance dept. Additionally, I am responsible for marketing which includes the marketing plan itself, identifying market trends and working with stakeholders such as customers, vendors and Banks. As with any professional, work is an important part of my life and I have always been very fortunate to have a career that I enjoy. I believe my biggest success in business has been my ability and flexibility to adapt in the face of big challenges and that I have never stopped learning.

My greatest success overall has been the life that I have built outside of work, meaning my wife, children, parents and siblings, friends, my cultural and intellectual interests, sports and cooking. It is precisely the achieved balance between the two that creates a life that allows me to start the day energized, whether that is to take a business trip or head out on a ski trip with the family. Nonetheless, if it were impossible to balance “life” with work, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose life!

Who is Salvador Primo Lara?

I was involved in the formation of GTBi in 2002 and have been working there in an official capacity since 2015. My main responsibilities are business development and overseeing the Finance dept. Additionally, I am responsible for marketing which includes the marketing plan itself, identifying market trends and working with stakeholders such as customers, vendors and Banks. As with any professional, work is an important part of my life and I have always been very fortunate to have a career that I enjoy. I believe my biggest success in business has been my ability and flexibility to adapt in the face of big challenges and that I have never stopped learning.

My greatest success overall has been the life that I have built outside of work, meaning my wife, children, parents and siblings, friends, my cultural and intellectual interests, sports and cooking. It is precisely the achieved balance between the two that creates a life that allows me to start the day energized, whether that is to take a business trip or head out on a ski trip with the family. Nonetheless, if it were impossible to balance “life” with work, I wouldn’t hesitate to choose life!


Customers First.
Salvador at a client visit in Argentina together with Leandro Enrique Pinto, Manager at Consular.

GTBi listens closely to customers to provide the best solution possible.

UltraCam in 3 words.

Quality, reliability, cooperation.

What motivated you to become a Vexcel sales partner?

The opportunity to provide customers with the market leading large format aerial cameras.

What do you like most about the partnership with Vexcel?

I appreciate the high-tech nature of the products and the clear pricing policy. But I also value working with the company itself. The Vexcel people are very adaptable and people-oriented. The relationship I enjoy with Vexcel goes beyond business.

How would you describe working with Engelbert Breg?

Exceptional. Engelbert is a skilled business professional who listens carefully to partners and customers to understand their needs and the unique nature of each situation. He takes a flexible, solution-oriented approach to all his dealings and provides clear and reliable explanations.

We would love to hear about the most memorable experience you’ve had with the UltraCam family!

It would be hard to narrow this down to just one experience! There have been so many clients and situations, along with so many Vexcel User Group meetings across so many countries. At the end of the day, I can only say that working with Vexcel always delivers memorable experiences.

What are the challenges and opportunities in your territory?

As far as opportunities, GTBI offers only the top tier brands and has significant experience working with that technology so we are uniquely qualified to assist customers in our market. This allows us to build strong customer loyalty.

The challenge we face (and welcome) is working in a price-sensitive market to ensure customers are still able to get the best products for their investment.

Looking out 3 to 5 years, what do you think will be the next big change in the geospatial industry?

I expect new hardware and software players emerging who will bring to market products that offer increased levels of automation and improvements in performance. Additionally, cloud computing will continue to be harnessed and more products will be provided as SaaS offerings.

Salvador Primo Lara and Jose Ignacio Calvo HerreraSalvador in his officeGTBi at an exhibition

Back in the old days. Salvador with Vexcel's Chief Photogrammetry Scientist Michael Gruber and other colleagues and clients in 2002 at the Photogrammetric Day in Madrid.

Salvador Primo with Michael Gruber and others

Would you like to add Salvador to your professional network? Reach out and stay in touch.


Would you like to add Salvador to your professional network? Reach out and stay in touch.


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